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BLOG: Are You Prepared for What Should Shape Up to Be Another Solid Year in Our Industry?


BLOG: Are You Prepared for What Should Shape Up to Be Another Solid Year in Our Industry?

It’s hard to believe that another new year is now just weeks away. This is a great time to make sure that we are prepared for what should shape up to be another solid year in the staffing industry. But first we should reflect on 2019.

  • Did we achieve the goals we set in 2019?
  • Did our newest sales and recruiting members show the growth that we anticipated?
  • Are those individuals now at a level where their contribution in 2020 will help us grow exponentially?
  • How about our more seasoned people, did they lead the way by expanding their book of business?
  • As a company, did we grow at or above the pace of the industry?
  • Do we have a culture of “accountability” and will it carry over into 2020?

We need to do a quick check-up on ourselves and see if there were ways that we could have made 2019 better and more importantly, if we have the methodologies in place for a formidable 2020.

Resolutions are the foundations for our rosy outlook but often times the challenge lies in our ability to implement measureable processes. Certain key activities drive our ability to succeed. However, the accountability to those critical actions may get lost in the day to day “shuffle” of staffing. The inherent problem is that when “goals” are missed, we tend to reset the goal to match what was achieved. This leads to a culture of underachieving and acceptance of failure.

The legendary college baseball coach, John Scolinos said that we have a tendency to make exceptions because holding people accountable is difficult and unpleasant. He also believed that without consequence for failure, a goal is meaningless. Coach Scolinos firmly believed that when we set a standard and accept failure, we fail ourselves, our businesses, our communities, and our families.

For 2020, set standards of expectation and commit to upholding those standards. By doing so, we will help our people develop, our businesses grow, and our clients become more committed to us. Here’s to an exceptional 2020!

Rick Carlson, Sales & Recruiting Management Program Director

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