Are your account executives under-performing? TechServe Alliance’s annual Operating Practices Report consistently reveals that more than half of account executives are not profitable, bringing in under $500,000 in gross profit.
The TechServe Alliance Sales & Recruiting Management Program was designed to provide organizations a way to improve the efficiency and productivity of their sales and recruiting teams. This program offers the services of senior level sales and recruiting managers with proven track records of success, who will drive improved results for your sales and recruiting representatives.
The salary to hire a full-time sales manager typically costs firms $200,000 to $250,000 a year. The TechServe Sales & Recruiting Management Program is just $1,495* per month per account executive. (*For member firms; $1695 for non-members)
Real and measurable results are typically seen in 3-6 months. There are no-long-term commitments; you are billed month-to-month. You can cancel at any time.
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