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The New TechServe Alliance M&A Marketplace

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The New TechServe Alliance M&A Marketplace

Solving the Long-Standing Challenge of Prospective Buyers & Sellers of Smaller IT & Engineering Staffing Firms

For firms under $15 million in revenue, the options to sell are not optimized to net the owners maximum value. Financial buyers such as private equity firms are typically not interested in companies in this size range. In many cases, owners are left to rely on ‘word of mouth’ to find a buyer—an approach that neither maximizes exposure to a large enough pool of potential buyers necessary to command the highest possible price nor preserves confidentiality. Where investment bankers and M&A brokers will work with a firm at all, their fees are extraordinarily high for firms of this size starting at $250,000 plus a $10,000 a month retainer.

The obstacles confronting sellers creates the corollary problem for buyers: no access to a ready pool of companies for sale. TechServe Alliance Services Corp. has created a better way . . .

Creating a New Marketplace

Drawing upon the vast TechServe Alliance network, we have access to a large group of prospective buyers: other staffing firms. By expanding the pool of potential buyers to include firms that may not have previously contemplated an acquisition and dramatically reducing the sell-side advisory fees to only $5,000 — a fraction of the cost typically paid by sellers to M&A brokers, we can help smaller firms maximize their net proceeds on sale. TechServe members have exclusive access to new listings for the first thirty (30) days and at lower fees as a buyer.

A Team of Professionals with Deep Staffing Industry Experience

To help owners navigate the potential sale of their firm, we have created a four-step process that includes guidance from a team of IT & Engineering Staffing industry veterans with transactional experience and deep knowledge of how to position a firm to achieve maximum value. Additionally, using the collective buying power of the program, we have arranged for discounted rates for legal services with Becker LLC, a law firm with significant M&A experience in the staffing industry.

For further information on how TechServe Alliance M&A Marketplace works, visit our website or submit your inquiry here to connect with and M&A advisor.

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