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On-Site, Remote and Hybrid Model Workplace Strategies

The remote workplace is here to stay, but its role may change. As the pandemic shifts, organizations may be planning a combination of remote and onsite working. In a hybrid model, some employees work on-site, while some employees work from home.

This article discusses post-pandemic workplace trends, the advantages and challenges of on-site and remote workplaces, and strategies for hybrid model workplaces.

Post-Pandemic Workplaces

Recently, PwC’s remote work survey revealed that employers and employees want to approach the post-pandemic workplace with more flexibility. Consider the survey’s top findings and statistics:

  • 83% of employers say the shift to remote work has been successful.
  • 87% of employees say the office is important for collaborating with team members and building relationships.
  • 55% percent of employees would prefer to be remote at least three days a week.
  • Employees want to return to the office more slowly than employers expect.

While some employers expect to reduce office space, 56% expect to need more space over the next three years.

Taking these trends into consideration, employers need to focus on what their office or workplace is meant to accomplish. By identifying that key business objective and keeping employee health and safety in mind, it will be easier to reimagine how and where employees get work done, along with how much workspace is needed to be effective.

On-site Workplaces

When working on-site, employees can motivate each other, which boosts overall morale. Co-workers can also collaborate in real-time for discussions and to solve problems. Employers may also feel more confident that work is being done when they see employees at their desks or workspaces. An on-site workplace can offer peace of mind.

Advantages of on-site workplaces include:

  • Better collaboration
  • Increased employee motivation
  • Fewer environmental distractions
  • Stronger workplace culture

Challenges of on-site workplaces include:

  • Distractions from co-workers
  • Limited talent pool due to geographical factors
  • Costly office locations and expenses

As organizations and workplaces transition out of lockdown and into the post-pandemic reality, some employees and employers may still choose to embrace working in a remote setting.

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