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Benefits, Considerations and Roadmap of Upskilling Initiatives

Benefits, Considerations and Roadmap of Upskilling Initiatives

“Upskilling” is a term that’s become increasingly popular in the industry in recent years. Upskilling is when employers provide employees the opportunity to learn new skills to better their current work performance, while also prepping them for the projected needs of the company.

In today’s tight labor market and the wake of a skills shortage, companies have begun to focus on not only hiring new talent but also upskilling current employees. How companies design upskilling initiatives will vary, but the ultimate goal of closing the skills gap and retaining top talent remains the same.

This toolkit provides an introduction to upskilling and includes best practices for developing and
implementing an upskilling initiative. It also includes resources that can be used as a framework for your company’s strategy. These include:

Employer Resources

  • Upskilling Worksheet
  • Sample Skills Plan Template
  • Sample Email Communications

Employee Resources

  • Upskilling survey

Download HR Toolkit – Upskilling

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