Independent Contractor Insurance

Protect yourself on the job with TechServe Alliance Business Services

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Why Get Independent Contractor Insurance?

Many companies working with IT consultants require independent contractor insurance as a condition of hiring.

Independent contractor insurance coverage also helps to protect each IT consultant’s livelihood and personal assets. And while it’s usually not required by law, having insurance can help make you more marketable, as many companies (especially large ones) will ask for proof of insurance before agreeing to work with you.

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Insurance Options

Many types of independent contractor insurance are available, and what you need varies by your state’s insurance requirements.

Here are some types of insurance coverage to consider:

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TechServe’s Independent Contractor Insurance Program

Learn more about the TechServe insurance program offered by TechServe Alliance Business Services and the many benefits of Independent Contractor Coverage for:


Please contact Don Beemer at [email protected] or 703.304.9633.

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