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What to Expect from a Biden Administration and How to Minimize Your Tax Liability

A Webinar for IT & Engineering Staffing Firm Owners & Executives

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM ET
Speakers: Alison Dunleavy, Senior Manager, UHY
Tom Sena, Tax Manager, UHY


With the executive and legislative branches wholly controlled by Democrats, the shift in party control is bringing a significant change in tax policy proposals. While many of the most progressive policy proposals face resistance, there is considerable pressure to increase taxes on businesses and the affluent. In practical terms, what does this mean for staffing owners and executives? What can you do about it? In this webinar, tax experts with deep staffing firm experience will offer their insights on likely changes to tax policy and actions you should take now to minimize your tax burden in the future.

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