There are five highly provocative, insight-producing questions that your customers and prospects will be happy to answer. Their responses might surprise you and will definitely help you improve your positioning and messaging based on what’s important from the customer’s perspective. All you need to do is ask them. Bob London has helped hundreds of companies hear what their customers are really thinking. He will lead a fun and engaging session to help you discover what he calls the customers’ “Elevator Rant”—the problems they complain about when you’re not around. Whether you’re a marketer, business owner, CEO, or salesperson, understanding the customers’ “rants” will enable you to: • Gain insights into what is actually meaningful and important to the customer • Leverage those insights to differentiate your product, service, or pitch • Market and sell to customers in their real-world language, not marketing-speak.
Executive,Recruiting,Account Executive,Marketing,Sales
Bob London, marketing advisor, UMD Dingman mentor and CEO of Chief Listening Officers