Depending upon the skill set mix required by a firm’s clients, more than 20% of the consultants deployed by IT staffing firms can be independent contractors—even higher in some areas of the U.S. While working with ICs, whether operating as corp.-to-corps., LLCs, or the disfavored 1099s, is a competitive necessity for many IT staffing firms, doing so is not without its risks. With that in mind, a legal and tax expert will explore the delicate equilibrium between adherence to tax regulations, classification of workers, and compliance with employment laws. The experts will provide practical advice on how to mitigate risks while continuing to access this critical pool of talent. There will be an opportunity for questions.
Martin L. Borosko, Esq., Becker LLC
Leo Varner, Principal, National State Tax Leader, UHY
David Frankel, Esq., Becker LLC