With the Covid-19 outbreak, the IT staffing and services market has plummeted in just a few short months. IT staffing professionals are feeling the pain. As corporate America continues to put a freeze on hiring and cut budgets, sales cycles have stalled while discovering new opportunities grows more challenging each and every day. Engaging IT hiring managers in productive and meaningful sales conversations has never been more difficult. Join Dan Fisher, Founder of Menemsha Group, a sales training provider for IT staffing and service firms, as he shares with us How to Lead Productive Sales Conversations in a Recessed Market. During this idea-packed webinar, Dan will walk you through how to have productive and meaningful sales conversations with IT hiring managers including: · -What to say to overcome the objection of “we have no budget and we’re not hiring” · -What to say to disarm prospects and get them to open up and share information · -What to say to create new sales opportunities and build a sales opportunity pipeline including how to uncover “latent pain” and “admitted pain” · -What to say to speak like and position yourself as an authoritative thought leader · -How to speak the language of your buyers (the only language that will get their attention during a recession) There will be time for Q&A on the subject material following the webinar. All TechServe Alliance webinars qualify for CE credits for the TechServe Alliance Certification Program.
Dan Fisher, Founder of Menemsha Group