Battening Down the Hatches: Fortifying Your Firm for the Economic Downturn

In response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, economic activity has slowed with some sectors coming to a full stop. Whether your firm immediately lost headcount, declining job orders or extended payment terms has you concerned about your firm’s future fortunes, there are specific actions you should be taking to financially fortify your firm and mitigate the impact. After kicking-off the discussion with a snapshot of what is happening among IT & engineering staffing firms, two industry veterans will explore the key metrics to monitor and offer recommendations on: • Effectively managing cash flow and profitability • A methodology for stress testing your firm • Developing a contingency plan in advance and preparing for a range of scenarios • Why communicating early and often is critical.

Executive,Mark Roberts,Tom Nunn,COVID-19

Mark B. Roberts, CEO, TechServe Alliance Tom Nunn, Business Strategist & Executive Coach, Tom Nunn Consulting

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